Thursday, April 16, 2009

So many teeth problems!!?

so thanks to my moms great genetics, i am missing an adult tooth. it is the tooth next to the front right one, i believe the eye tooth? anyways, my baby one fell out about a year ago in soccer, and i immediatly had a fake replacement put on. so tonight it just fell out while i was brushing my teeth. all that is there is a wire attaching to the two adjacent teeth that used to have the fake tooth on it. i am going to try to get into the dentist in the morning, but what are they going to do?

1. i need an implant soon because i am 18

2. i need my wisdom teeth out in about a month

3. i may need braces/invisalign before my implant due to some spacing

3. i refuse to have a %26quot;flipper%26quot; retainer with a tooth on it

do you think theyll just put another fakie in there for now even though i need braces/ wisdom teeth out? wont it just get in the way??

im so confused

So many teeth problems!!?
You can get the implant if you have adequate space and bone. They may need to do the ortho/braces first to make the space big enough for an implant. The braces will not get in the way of having your wisdom teeth extracted. They could put a %26quot;fake%26quot; tooth on the braces. After the braces come off and you get the implant, you will probably have to have a flipper. Just remember, they are just temporary until it%26#039;s time to uncover and put a crown on the implant. Good Luck!


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